Friday, January 14, 2011

Kitchen Cabinet Handles

For YEARS now, I have been wanting new kitchen cabinet handles. I can now officially say that, since we did just buy the house late 2009 and now it is 2011. Crazy how time flies! So yes, for years I have wanted new handles. You can clearly see why, right?

The picture doesn't show to well, the actual color of the metal. You know the 80's brass that was SO in style but honey it ain't no more! Well, it used to be that, but has rubbed off some of the brassyness (I love making new words) and now shows some silvery tones. I know that silver is not that bad, but the shine, and that plastic! Too much for me to handle. So, I am going to do it with out asking hubby ask, maybe even beg him if I can do another project. He hates how I have umpteen different projects started. I will get this one done though; I just would; I PROMISE!! I am just practicing on you. Thanks :)

Unfortunately, we just don't have the money to do anything right now. Except, A HA! I should have enough to buy a couple cans of spray paint, right? $10.00 shouldn't kill me. Well, I have never bought spray paint, so it could be more than that and I have no idea. But for now, we are going to pretend 10 buckaroonies to do a makeover of these handles. The next problem is that the nearest place for me to buy anything of the sort is 40 minutes away, so.... It might not get done any time soon :( Unless I beg ask politely if we can go there tomorrow.

Here are some inspiration pictures of what I would like them to look like, even though the shape it totally different:

I heart aged bronze!

So totally, freaken excited! I just hope that I could make them look half way decent. I've never spray painted before. Any suggestions? Let me know! Thanks :)

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